Just say no to kitchen boredom on Ochi Day! On October 28, 1940
the Italian ambassador, Emanuele Grazzi, presented Prime Minister
Ioannsi Metaxas of Greece with an ultimatum. Either allow Italian
troops to occupy Greece or prepare for war. Meta…
Nothing cures a salt craving like pretzels! This National
Pretzel Month, celebrate this unique icon of American snacking by
exploring new flavors. Dating back to 12th century
German, pretzels offer a satisfaction that only their doughy salty
Honor brave revolutionaries with new ideas inspired by Hungarian
recipes! The Hungarian Revolution was a revolt against
Soviet-inspired policies during the Cold War. Starting out as a
student demonstration, it spread throughout the country and …
Explore British culinary tradition on Battle of Trafalgar Day!
This day celebrates the victory by the Royal Naval under the
command of Vice-Admiral Horatio Nelson over French and Spanish
forces at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805. It is pr…
Feel you can't live without meat? Don't dismiss vegetarian meals
too easily-many offer flavors you have yet to imagine! Vegetarian
Awareness Month arose in October as the harvest offers more
vegetarian options. It seeks to give people alternati…
It is another amazing edition of the Dishfolio blog's food
blogger interview series. We have a wide community of food bloggers
here at Dishfolio, all having different styles, tastes and beliefs.
Today, we are ecstatic to welcome Anamika of Tast…
What is a movie without popcorn? While often associated with
movies, popcorn is also a delicious high-fiber snack. It was very
important to the Aztecs who not only ate it but also used to
decorate for ceremonies and create necklaces for the sta…
Stuck in a dinner hour rut? Challenge it this World Food Day by
increasing food appreciation! World Food Day commemorates the
global movement to end hunger. Recognizing the founding of the Food
and Agriculture Organization of the U.N., the focu…
What is gooey, sticky, and almost as popular as chocolate?
Caramel! The sugary treat started as syrup in the 1600's but the
caramel candies we all love are a recent invention. Confectioners
turned them into bite-sized chewy bits in the 18th
Fall has begun and now it is time to enjoy the harvest! Canadian
Thanksgiving has its beginnings as a harvest festival featuring
church decorations of cornucopias, pumpkins, corn, and other
delicious bounty. While traditionally set for a Monday…