tacchiepeperosa's dishfolio
Studi di legge ma saldamente appesa fuori dagli schemi. Amo il vestire bene, il mangiare bene, il bere bene, il vivere bene. Soprattutto perchè non sempre tutto questo riesce proprio bene. Scrivo per vivere, vivo dello scrivere. Cacciatrice, segno gemelli, a
Member Since: Mar 10, 2014
Last Posted Recipe: Apr 15, 2014
Last Posted Recipe: Apr 15, 2014

risotto with wild asparagus
a tipical north italy' s dish. "morlacco" is a kind of cheese, made in my town, Vicenza. You can change this cheese with another creamy and savory like taleggio, for example, or squaquerone. (in italian with translator)
by tacchiepeperosa
spaghetti with peas, carrots and bacon
an idea for changing your spaghetti's dish (in italian with google translater)
by tacchiepeperosa
Tortilla with a spontaneous spring erb
this is a dish very precious and good, because it's made with a spontaneous spring erb. you can change this erb with what you want. (in italian with translater)
by tacchiepeperosaall-check
Showing 1 - 7 of
7 Recipes