healingtomato's dishfolio
We love cooking and we use it to express our inner beauty. Yes, we cook with Tomatoes mostly. A lot!
Last Posted Recipe: Dec 27, 2013

5 tomato salsa
Make a wonderful Salsa dip using different tomato varities and ginger. You will love the taste.
by healingtomato
The Magical 9 Tomato Marinara
Ever have tomatoes that you know have ripened but don't know what to do with them? Turn them into a wonderful marinara sauce. I like to use Sweet Vermouth in this recipe. It takes away some of the tanginess of the tomato without adding sweetness. Add dried spices to give it an authentic Italian taste
by healingtomato
Stuffed Tomatoes
I like stuffing tomatoes because it gives these tomatoes a great taste. Also, they are very healthy. If you have fussy eaters in your family, this is one definite way of getting them to eat vegetables.
by healingtomato
Tomato and Basil Pesto
A Great vegetarian version of Pesto sauce. It is healthy because there is no cream. Contains tomatoes, basil, Romano cheese, Thai chilies and sun gold tomatoes.
by healingtomatoall-check