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giovannahoang's dishfolio

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Food Blogger & Food Writer

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Member Since: Nov 1, 2012

Last Posted Recipe: Sep 3, 2014

roasted chickpeas with smoked paprika

Roasted chickpeas with smoked paprika, a crunchy and crispy high fiber snack


Couscous stir fry

Couscous stir fry with salami and tomatoes confit


Mini wonton cone with pears and cheese

Mini crispy wonton cone stuffed with pears, ginger, brown sugar , creamy Gruyère and black sesame seeds


Autumn bruschetta

Autumn bruschetta with califlower, anchovies and cheese.


Mashed cannellini beans with bacon and cat

an easy-chic solution for your dinner: “Mashed cannellini beans (because as we all know legumes are rich in proteins, vitamins, mineral salts and iron, and should be eaten at least twice a week instead of meat) with scalded catalogna salad (detoxifying and purifying) and crunchy bacon (the only fat ingredient, but dosed in very little quantities).


Black rice pudding with coconut milk

Black rice pudding with coconut milk, blackberry, raspberry, blueberry and honeydew


Squash soup with curry

Sweet and spicy squash suop with curry! Flavor explosion for those cold winter days!


Vietnamese soup

A delicious vietnamese soup with soya bean noodles and shitake mushrooms


Cream of carrots and potatoes with dill

A delicious cream of carrots and potatoes with dill.

